Monday, September 10, 2012

The sky is blue!

A while back I got into a huge argument with one of my close friends.  We went back and forth for quite a while with each of us growing more and more frustrated with the other by the minute.  Finally he screamed "I'M DONE, you would disagree with me on anything just to cause an argument!"  I responded with "that's not true" which sent him into a further tirade because again I disagreed with him.

Finally he said "The sky is blue" and I replied "you're right".  He smiled and said "at least we can agree on the sky being blue, I guess there is hope for us yet".  I should have just left it at that but for some reason I let my mouth open and out came... "No, I don't agree with you that the sky is blue, I agree that I would disagree with you if you said "the sky is blue"".  After a long series of expletives he stormed off saying he wasn't going to waste anymore time with someone who wouldn't listen to facts and reason.  Not to be out done, I yelled back that it was impossible to have a conversation with someone that changes their opinion more often than the weather! 

That night I couldn't sleep as I continued to replay the argument over and over in my head.  Was he right?  Did I not really believe my point of view and just wanted to argue with him?  Was I unwilling to change my opinion even after presented with facts and reason? Finally about 3:00 AM I couldn't take it any longer and knew I would never get any sleep if I didn't make things right with him.  I dialed his number and asked just one question...  "Now what color do you think the sky is?" 

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