Saturday, September 08, 2012

Hal Mason pretends to explain the United States Budget Dilemma

I can't think of a better topic to relaunch this site with than this little nugget from Hal.  The video claims to be ALARMING! and at first glance I was even alarmed.  I mean wholly crap there is no way for the US to ever balance the budget!  However the images of the twin towers exploding seemed a little over the top for any life long accountant I know and when I saw it was being posted on every conservative website the jig was up.  Time to do the math (a phrase I often use because it for some reason drives some of my "friends" to near levels of insanity).

I stumbled through the same process Hal laid out in his presentation and arrived at the exact same conclusion!  I was truly horrified, but something still didn't seem quite right (actually it seemed to far right to be true).  I buy into the concept that "numbers don't lie", but my 25 years of business experience told me that presenters often distort them.  Time to dig a little deeper and flip through a couple more pages of the 2013 budget...  what a minute, if this is the 2013 budget why is Hal asking us to take a look at the 2012 numbers?  Umm, this very first summary table on page 205 of the budget seems interesting.  It shows revenue as a % of GDP for 2012 at 15.8% and then growing steadily to slightly over 20% over the next 10 years.  That is pretty interesting, I wonder if I looked at 2022 or even 2013 it would show me a budget that was able to be balanced without eliminating the entire federal government?  Guess what...  Hal picked 2012 because his entire premise falls apart if you use 2013 (from the 2013 budget proposal).

Having spent some time recently sharping my skills with the puppets from the right I knew this wasn't going to be enough.  I needed to go deeper and do some more math.  Time to see what the historical average was for revenue as a percent of GDP.  Let's see, my Google search shows...  ooh, something on the website . Tough to dismiss this one as "a liberal rag in the tank for Obama".  Even better, it is a chart used to defend extending the Bush tax cuts!  I will let you see for yourself what they have to say (  So the recession was the cause for the current low revenue and as the growth returns revenue will return to slightly above the historical 18.2% average with all Bush's tax cuts extended.  I am guessing the President's budget doesn't reflect all of Bush's cuts being extended and that's why he shows it just over 20% which coincidentally is the same level in 2000, a year before Bush took office, but I'll let you do your own math on it.

Now that we see Hal intentionally mislead us (no such thing as an "honest mistake" for a career accountant posting a youtube video using images of a national tragedy for emphasis), let's get back to the real problem which our debt currently stands at over $16 trillion and will grow to over $25 trillion by 2022 according to the President's budget.  Note, even Paul Ryan's plan doesn't produce a balanced budget until 2040.  Bottom line, we need to find a fix for our mandatory budget items (medicare, medicaid, social security, etc) so they are self funding, cut our discretionary spending (basically funding for the entire federal government, including defense) and further INCREASE revenues (yeah that means more taxes).  A little bit of irony as it is the exact same prescription Hal gave us! 


Unknown said...

We are still in serious trouble!!! As of 10/25/12, this video on youtube is
scrambled" and unavailable. In fact, search for Hal Manson on youtube and the entire results page is scrambled. This is terrifying.

mg1960 said...

You are proof of my vision! "I see stupid people". The progressive party needs more use full idiots... This also explains why you are not in business anymore. Hal is!

Darin said...

Hey MG1960, what does "use full" mean? Were you referring to the word "useful"? If so, not being able to spell a word from 3rd grade spelling makes you look like someone who should not be using the words "stupid" or "idiot" when referring to other people.

As for Scott Warner. I see the YouTube video is working fine now. Does that terrify you as well?

Unknown said...

Like it or Not; putting all politics aside at the end to the day the government is a business! Major corporations answer to their shareholders and no one likes a bad financial report. CEOs have been removed for much less. In business, corporations that can’t pay the interest on their debt fold or are purchased for pennies on the dollar, in case we are the shareholders.

Touting your party preference does not show your impartial approach as this has all occurred under the Obama administration. In fact a lot of what Mr. Mason has stated is true and has come to fruition. The fact that he used the twin towers may have been over the top, but is was used to drive a point home metaphorically which it appears you fail to understand. Most people do not understand the government budget as well as they should.

So let’s not put the blame on one party or the other, clearly congress has failed to do their job as they were elected to do. I agree that we need to find a fix for the mandatory budget items. The government is not in the insurance business. Medicare and Medicaid should not be paid by the government. Obama care will drive health care cost over the cliff very shortly and several insurance agencies are feeling the effects now. If taxpayers do not have health care coverage they are forced to pay additional taxes on their returns. Our premiums are going to sky rocket very shortly! Social Security (SS) was introduced by the democrats and nearly all laws that have changed SS have been under a democratic president. Social Security program is an abysmal failure, yet we continue to pay into the program.

Ratio of Social Security Covered Workers to Beneficiaries Calendar Years 1940-2013

Year Covered Workers Beneficiaries
(in thousands) (in thousands) Ratio

1940 35,390 222 159.4
1950 48,280 2,930 16.5
1970 93,090 25,186 3.7
1980 113,656 35,118 3.2
1990 133,672 39,470 3.4
2000 155,295 45,166 3.4
2005 159,081 48,133 3.3
2010 156,725 53,398 2.9
2013 163,221 57,471 2.8

The federal government also needs to be reduced as well, but we cannot reduce our military any further. Given the current threats our nation faces we need to provide our war-fighters with the best possible technology to combat this threat.

But the issues are much large. Our government continues to make agreements/deals with foreign nations and taxpayer dollars. The current liability for each US Citizen is $59,558 by the year 2050 $116,904. Our debt exceeds $19 trillion and $255 billion in interest and by 2012 the interest alone will have grown 116%.

Here are some sobering numbers.